The Unique Skills Athletes Can Leverage to Become In-Demand Speakers

The Unique Skills Athletes Can Leverage to Become In-Demand Speakers

All athletes can become powerful, confident and in-demand speakers. Here's some of the incredible (and unique) skills and strengths athletes of all types bring to the speaking world. 
Unique Life Experience and Stories

Very few people get to experience life as an athlete. It's a unique journey, with unique stories and experiences that will fascinate your audience. While athlete life might be normal for you, it's extraordinary to everyone else.

How many people can get on stage and share what it's like to be an athlete? Whether you're elite, professional or a non-elite athlete, you no-doubt have a bucketful of stories about athlete life you can share.

How do handle set backs? What's the secret to resilience? How do you work in a team? How do you overcome challenges? What was it like attending a major games? 

There are so many stories you can draw on, that the average speaker can't. Your greatest asset is your unique story and the messages within it –– and trust us, you have a story worth sharing.

The Athlete Speaker Playbook: How to Become a Paid Speaker

Join us for a full-day speaker masterclass later this year in Sydney and Melbourne. We'll teach you how to craft a powerful presentation and engage paid work.

Click here to learn more about the Sydney event or here to learn more about the Melbourne event.

Your Expertise

You might not know it, but you will have picked up a wealth of expertise as an athlete that you can share on stage. Athletes have many transferrable skills and sets of expertise that can be transformed into team building workshops, staff training, leadership development and lunch time talks for a corporate audience.

Could you turn your talk into a team building session? Could you share your expertise on leadership? Could you run a mindset or a nutrition workshop? Do you also coach? Could you share your coaching tips for a team of new managers? There are so many opportunities for you to turn what you've learned through your lived experience as an athlete into paid speaking work!

Your Networks

Most athletes have built up a solid, well-connected network during their time in sport. Don't be afraid to lean on your network to engage speaking work! 

What businesses, event managers, and professionals have you built relationships with through sport? Could your sporting organisation help you gain experience through appearances on their behalf?

Your network is an incredible resource, so tap into it!


Athletes have, across the board, a reputation for performing at an incredibly high standard and for their professionalism. They are trusted as credible speakers who will offer a stand out talk. You can leverage this reputation to build trust with events and businesses early on.

Are you ready to leverage your unique strengths to take on the speaking world?

If you're ready to take the next step on your speaking journey and learn how to craft your talk and the secrets to engaging paid work, join us for the Athlete Speaker Playbook Workshop. 

We're hosting this 1 day, hands-on workshop in Sydney and Melbourne later this year. This in-person masterclass is not to be missed! Early Bird pricing is available for a limited time so get in quick.

Head to the Sydney event page to learn more or if you'd like to join us in Melbourne, click here.

Meet The Brand Builders

We teach athletes how to build their brand and connect with the opportunities that are uniquely right for them. We're passionate about helping athletes elevate their journey in and beyond sport.