It's time to connect with opportunity

Make your next move with the Athlete Story Book

The NIL policy update has opened up a world of opportunity for ALL college athletes. Now it's time for you to tell your story and connect with the right opportunities for you. 

Take the next step by completing our Story Book activity. You'll identify what makes you unique, set goals, assess your skills and map out the NIL opportunities you are right for you.

You can use it online or print it and put pen to paper. It's fun, easy to complete on your own or with a friend, and it will set you up to make your next move.

  • Identify the unique elements of your brand
  • Explore key activities you'd like to get involved in
  • Connect your brand to NIL opportunities
  • Identify next steps and your plan of action

See the Story Book in action

Check out ultramarathon runner, Sean Bell, create his Story Book. Your Story Book is a little different because it's a special NIL edition but we think you'll enjoy seeing an athlete go through the process of putting their story down on paper. 

Want to learn more about athlete brand?

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Ready to create your Story Book?

Download your (free) Story Book to make your next move towards leveraging NIL.

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